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About Ashlee

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About Ashlee

Ashlee is an endorsed Privately Practicing Midwife, based in the Upper Blue Mountains. She offers private midwifery services from Penrith to Bathurst. 

Ashlee is also an accredited Calmbirth Educator and offers private classes on her and her husband’s off grid property called Milk & Honey Farm.

Ashlee has over 10 years experience as a Registered Nurse and Midwife, and has recently transitioned into private practice offering homebirth services. She has experience across the midwifery spectrum and has worked in homebirths, rural health services and tertiary referral services. Ashlee also has experience working in Emergency Nursing with adult and neonatal advanced life support training and triage training.

Ashlee and her husband Matt have three young children and spend their time living a low footprint – sustainable life with their collection of cows (Missy, Molly and Moo), goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, bees and an oversized vegetable garden.

Ashlee can be found making cheese, salami and soaps when not attending births.

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